COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Vallas served as the board of trustees ofHome Parish of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church from 1989 to 2008,and again in 2011. He has worked with the Fort Hamilton High SchoolParent Teacher Association from 2004 to the present, as well as thebeing the vice president of the group in 2007 and 2011. I try tohelp them as much as possible, said Vallas Schools concern me alot — I believe the youth is our future. Vallas’ work doesn’tstop there. The business owner has been vice president of the GreekAmerican Property Owners since 2006, and is a member of bothCommunity Board 10 and the Dyker Heights Civic Association. Thework with CB 10 and Dyker Heights Civic association is importantbecause I want to help them with the upkeep of the neighborhoods,he said about his continued work on making the community a betterplace.
PERSONAL: Vallas has been married to his wife, Maria, for 24years; they have four children, Theodore who is completing hismasters in Marketing and Management; Demetrios, who is in hissecond year in college; and Eleni and Hope, who attend Ft. HamiltonHigh School.
JOB: While Vallas does so much for the community, there is stilltime for the family business: Vallas Real Estate. He became a NewYork State licensed real estate salesperson in 1982 and a New YorkState real estate broker in 1985, and in 1987 he obtained his NYSInsurance Broker’s License.
BIGGEST CHALLENGE: Any time you are dealing with family [andbusiness] it’s challenging, he said. I love all the challenges -it’s a good thing.
FAVORITE MEMORY: As much as Vallas loves working with thecommunity, helping everyone, and being active in school issues thatcan benefit the young people that will shape the future, hisfondest memory would be seeing his children graduate from highschool. Knowing I’m a part of their life – that I helped them reachthat stage — is something I can’t be happier to watch. It’s greatto see them fly on their own.
INSPIRATION: To ensure the future is well shaped, Vallascontinues working with the PTA and CB 10. I believe the childrenare the leaders of tomorrow, he contends. As Vallas continues towork with the community and the PTA at Ft. Hamilton, this tirelessman spreads his energy and excitement to everyone he meets.