Narrows Botanical bandits strike again

An estimated one thousand dollars in plants and materials werestolen from Narrows Botanical Garden on Tuesday night; the thirdrobbery the all-volunteer staff has faced in the last six weeks.President Richard Haugland is convinced that the thefts werecommitted by the same people.

Last time, they brought bolt cutters, Haugland explained. Theydidn’t break the lock to the garden. They did the exactly the samething.

He says this year’s three incidents are the first time theorganization’s 14-year history that they have dealt with theft.Stolen items include 12 different varieties of Japanese maples, anunusual plant called a clivia, and a new hand truck. But Hauglandadmits that the extent of the robbery may not be known, as theorganization discovered additional plants that had been taken daysafter the last robberies.

Those last two incidents, which took place at the end of April,were rectified in part by the generous outpouring that came fromnurseries in the area. When news spread of the robbery at Narrows,trucks carrying donated plants showed up at the garden’s Shore Roadlocation to help with their plant sale. This time it is unclearwhere the assistance will come from.

What are we going to do, put new locks on and then when thosebreak put more locks on? Haugland asked.

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