It was a time for celebration as members of the BrookridgeWomen’s Golf Club marked their founder’s 90th birthday with a partyat the Dyker Beach Golf Course.
Under a tent set up near the clubhouse at 86th Street and SeventhAvenue, the golfers toasted Josephine Sanfilippo, who started theclub in 1955, just five years after the LPGA was founded.Sanfilippo and her fellow enthusiasts partied after club memberscompleted a round of golf, digging into a special birthday cakedecorated to look like the 18th hole.In addition, Sanfilippo was presented with a photo book ofsignificant moments over the years created by club member ConnieBurns and a framed rendition of her favorite quote – If I told yougirls once, I’ve told you 1,000 times – hit the damn ball.The event was fantastic, enthused Annette Stamatis, one of theclub members. With about 50 women in attendance, Stamatis said,Sanfilippo was surprised and delighted to see former members aswell as current ones.I don’t think she expect to see all the previous members,Stamatis noted. She was so excited, and she thoroughly enjoyed theday.It was an exceptional day, agreed Kathy Condon, who calledSanfilippo a true pioneer in women’s golf.She was surprised. She thought she was going to throw us a party,and we threw it for her. I think she was surprised by all thepeople who showed up – how much we love her.Leave a Reply
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