A 33-year-old Asian man was smoking on 62nd Street near EighthAvenue on July 5 at 3:45 a.m. when someone grabbed his neck frombehind. When the man attempted to remove the person’s arm, theperson cut him on his right forearm with an unknown object, causinga laceration. Two of the man’s friends brought him to MaimonidesMedical Center after the incident.A friend found a 29-year-old Asian man on the sidewalk at the sametime and place with a stab wound to his stomach. Two friendsbrought the injured man to Maimonides Medical Center.No information is known about the person/people who allegedlyattacked the men.TWO-CAR COLLISION
A late model Toyota Prius hybrid collided with an Audi, causingthe Audi to spin out at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and 90thstreet on July 9 at 8:50 a.m. Within minutes, police and EMS wereon the scene, and an injured person who was inside of the Prius wasrushed to Lutheran Medical Center. The Prius sustained heavy frontend damage as a result of the collision.
A 21-year-old man parked his 2008 Honda Civic on the northeastcorner of Ninth Avenue and 64th Street on Monday and returnedaround 12:15 a.m. to find that someone had broken into the frontpassenger side car window and stolen a $100 GPS, a Kentuckydriver’s license and a Huntington Bank debit card.HEALTH CENTER HAVOC
Burglars broke into the doctor’s office at Weight Loss NYC, 7032Fourth Avenue, just after 10 p.m. on July 5, through a window. Theytook with them TV and computer monitors, a $3,000 supply ofPhendimetrazine – a supplement for obesity treatment – and $5,150in cash, as well as several security cameras and the DVR systemwhich stores the security feed for the facility.PURSE SNATCHING
A 57-year-old woman was walking on the northeast corner of BatteryAvenue and 92nd Street when a white man clad in dark blue shortsand a white T-shirt snatched her purse – containing $7 in cash anda $25 Zopenex Inhaler — and fled on foot in an unknowndirection.TRUCK BREAK-IN
A truck driver for Prince of Peace Home Furnishings and UsedFurniture in New Jersey parked his truck on the southwest corner ofFort Hamilton Parkway and 67th Street on July 8 for a lunch break.He returned around 2:40 p.m. to find the truck’s passenger sidelock damaged and an envelope containing $3,000 in cash and businesschecks totaling $1,918 stolen from the vehicle.72 PRECINCT
A 60-year-old man was arrested for allegedly fondling and thenattacking a 30-year-old woman at 10:10 p.m. on June 1. As the womanexited a bodega at Fourth Avenue and 56th Street, she wasapproached by this man, and when he touched her breasts, she pushedhim away. He then grew irate, grabbing the woman by the arm,pulling her hair and punching her in the face. The woman sustainedbruises to her right arm and suffered significant hair loss.The man was taken to Lutheran Medical Center for intoxication.MACHETE ALARM
A 16-year-old man was arrested for allegedly carrying a largemachete at the northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 52nd Street andyelling at a group across the street, causing public alarm.ON THE RECORD
A Kings County search warrant revealed that two men, aged 34 and40, were found in possession of marijuana and had gamblingrecords.DISPATCH DISASTER
A 45-year-old male car service driver parked his 2006 Lincoln towncar at 56th Street and Fifth Avenue and returned at 8 p.m. to findthe passenger-side window broken and the dispatch radiomissing.DMV DILEMMA
A 29-year old woman told police that she sold her 2002 Honda Civicat a dealership at 52nd Street and Seventh Avenue to another personwho did not return the New York State license plates to the DMV;the woman said she is having problems with the DMV as a result.VAN BREAK-IN
A 37-year-old man parked his 2008 white Dodge in a parking lot at50th Street and Seventh Avenue on June 2 and returned at 1 a.m. tofind the passenger side window broken, and $40 in cash and a $100GPS missing from the van.BOOKBAG THEFT
An 18-year-old man told police that he put his bookbag down to playbasketball at Sixth Avenue and 44th Street and returned at 8 p.m.to find the bag, which contained his cell phone, his WashingtonState ID, his glasses, his wallet and $200 in cash, gone from thespot where he had placed it.