LOST/STOLEN DOG: ANNA, seven-year-old female, French Bulldog, 22pounds, cream color, believed to have been stolen on August 29,2011 from Beach 48th Street, in Brooklyn. If you have anyinformation, please contact Petra: 718-872-6268. REWARD.
HEY JUDE: Hi, my name is Patches. I am a five-month-old prettylittle girl kitty. I am called Patches because I have some whitepatches on my shiny black coat; one is under my chin, the othernear my private area, shaped like a V. I was rescued May 25, 2011along with my siblings; we tested negative for Felv & FIV. Ihave been bathed, dewormed, you name it, has been done to me. I amliving with a nice couple who have a quite a few cats; I get alongwith all of them, especially the boys. I love to play and have lotsof energy. I am very sweet n’ cute. I am looking for my own placeto call home; please adopt me. I will love you purrever and ever.To get in touch with me, call 718-946-4965; ask for Patches. Byefor now. Love Patches.
PICK ME, PICK ME: My name is Avanti. I am an 11-month-old,pretty, medium-size, black and white Labrador Retriever/AmericanPit Bull Terrier mix. I am spayed, up-to-date with my shots,house-trained. I walk with grace like velvet. I am a quick learner,house-broken. I am good with children, dogs and cats. If you arelooking for a family friend who will be loyal and show lots oflove. I am the girl for you! I love to cuddle and give kisses. Iwill be by your side through thick and thin.
ADOPT ME, ADOPT ME: Ruff Ruff! My name is Zeke. I am a goodlooking, medium size, 11-month-old male, silver salt n’ pepperAmerican Pit Bull Terrier. I am neutered, housetrained, purebred,up-to-date with shots, good with kids and dogs. I am about as sweetas they come, always rolling over for a tummy rub, delightingpeople with my wonderful calm demeanor… Call Laurie from BrooklynAnimal Foster Network, BAFN to meet and greet rescued dogs Avantiand Zeke, 917-754-3537.