On Wednesday, October 5, Brooklyn Borough President MartyMarkowitz presented the annual Italian American Heritagecelebrazione at Brooklyn Borough Hall and honored the outstandingcontributions of Italian Americans in Brooklyn.
This year’s honorees are:
Sal Calabrese, president, RE/MAX Metro
Thomas J. Fariello, first deputy commissioner, NYC Department ofBuildings
Rosanne Raso, senior vice president, Lutheran Medical Center
Honorable Frank R. Seddio, former judge, Surrogate’s Court ofKings County.
Carlo Scissura, senior advisor to BP Markowitz, served as masterof ceremonies and greetings were offered by Min. Plen. NataliaQuintavalle, consul general of Italy in New York. Entertainment wasprovided by Angelo Venuto and The Venuto Brothers; Italian actorand singer Sal DaVinci; and the Figli Maria S.S. Addoloratafolklorist dancers.