Eight board members of Community Board Seven were awardedcertificates of recognition for their record of perfect attendancein 2010 by Brooklyn Borough President MartyMarkowitz‘s office during their September 2011meeting.
The honorees, who are all volunteers from the neighborhoods ofSunset Park, Windsor Terrace and Greenwood Heights, wereJoan BottiLauren CollinsJason GoldbergViviane HaysWai KoDaniel MurphyJune Reich and Cesar Zuniga. Eachhonoree has held a board position at some point in recent years,whether as president or committee chair of everything fromEducation and Community Service to Public Safety.
Third Avenue businesspeople Leigh Holliday andBina Valenzano are the newest additions to theexecutive board of the Merchants of Third Avenue. Holliday is thenew recording secretary, while Valenzano is the new marketingdirector.
They were welcomed to the board during the Merchants’ Septembermeeting at the Greenhouse Café. Both expressed excitement at takingon their new responsibilities, and affirmed their commitment tousing their positions on the board to support local consumers andbusinesses.
It’s a lot of responsibility…we have a lot of work ahead ofus, said Valenzano. Holliday agreed, calling the opportunity thestart of new beginnings.
As the respective owners of The Art Room and The BookMarkShoppe, Holliday and Valenzano are already well-recognized fortheir contributions to the community.
The Merchants of Third Avenue were among the latest to roll outthe welcoming mat to the new commanding officer of the 68thPrecinct, Captain Richard DiBlasio
DiBlasio, who was joined by Community Affairs OfficerAnthony Curran and Sergeant JohnStrype
In exchange, the Merchants ceremonially presented him with atoken of their appreciation – a 60-year-old Little League trophyfrom what was once the Upper Third Avenue Board of Trade, recentlyfound in his house by Bay Ridge resident BobCapece.
Nearly 100 people, including former KeySpan Chairperson and CEOBob Catell; WilliamJ. HoganJamie GigantielloNicholas DiMarzioMaria Bartiromo
Since 1989, the Futures in Education has raised more than $25million in tuition assistance for students wishing to attendDiocese of Brooklyn and Queens schools.
Our best wishes to community activist JaneKelly
Four distinguished individuals were recently honored by theFrancesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation, (,a non-profit serving pediatric cancer patients nationwide, at itsHopefest 2011 Harvest Gala.
At the event, held on September 23 at Gargiulo’s, Loccisano’sfamily and friends paid tribute to AlexanderJ. ChouFrancis J.DeVitoPnina Peled
In addition, Brooklyn resident, ChristopherLambertoTom Kane
Francesco Frankie Loccisano, was a Dyker Heights resident andXaverian High School student who succumbed to pediatric cancer inSeptember of 2007 after a 27-month battle against the illness.During his experience, he expressed a strong desire to launch anon-profit foundation to aid the vast pediatric cancer community.He planned to accomplish this upon reaching a cure.
In his wake, the non-profit organization that bears Frankie’sname was launched as a grass roots effort by his family and friendsalong with active members of the community.
Tony Chu from the High School ofTelecommunication Arts & Technology and DanielOudolsky of Xaverian High School both graduated fromCornell University’s prestigious Summer College program earlierthis year, spending several weeks on campus experiencing what it’slike to live and learn at a great Ivy League university.
Timothy J. Houlihan has beenpromoted to the position of provost at St. Francis College.Houlihan previously served as academic dean and will continue tohold the title of vice president for academics.
In addition, new Dean of Academic Program DevelopmentAllen Burdowski previously servedas department chairperson for both Biology and InformationTechnology and as associate dean for Graduate and ProfessionalPrograms. Psychology Professor and former Chair of the PsychologyDepartment Michele Hirsch was promoted toassistant academic dean.