The champagne was flowing as one local author shared herphilosophy and celebrated the popularity of her bubbly-inspiredblog.
Cara Alwill — a Brooklyn native, and the creator of TheChampagne Diet blog, whose purpose is to promote the ideas ofliving your most effervescent life and celebrating everything –was at the BookMark Shoppe, at 84th Street and Third Avenue in BayRidge, on Friday, November 4, to meet fans of the blog and promoteher new line of products, The Bubbly Boutique, featuring pictureframes, bookmarks and prints.
BookMark Shoppe owners Christine Freglette and Bina Valenzanosaid they were delighted to host the event. Freglette, a reader ofThe Champagne Diet, declared the blog to be extremely funny,contending, Every woman needs to read it.
The BookMark Shoppe often sponsors local authors andcelebrities, says Freglette. She later went on to explain that sheand Valenzano are happy to support neighborhood businesses andresidents because the neighborhood has helped the bookstorethrive.
Alwill said that she also enjoys supporting the neighborhoodwhere she grew up and attended school. Alwill expressed her desireto visit local schools and be an inspiration. She said thatalthough her blog is intended for older readers, she wants to showchildren that they can achieve their dreams, as she did by becominga writer.
The Champagne Diet website was originally started,Alwill said, to publicize her upcoming book, The ChampagneDiaries.
Alwill’s blog can be viewed at and herBubbly Boutique products can be purchased at the BookMarkShoppe.