While many people look forward to the day after Thanksgiving,which promises to be filled with bargains, deals and shopping,members of the Peace Action Bay Ridge Interfaith Peace Coalitionare not among them.
To counteract the consumer frenzy that takes place on Black Friday,members of the coalition set up a table and gave away items infront of Century 21 department store, on 86th Street between Fourthand Fifth Avenues.Vicki McFayden, coordinator of the Black Friday Free Store event,said that she, Loves when people come over and ask how much thingsare and we say they are free!A fellow member of the Bay Ridge Peace Coalition, BennettSilverstein, stressed that the organization is not against BlackFriday and that they understand that it is a time of economicprosperity for business owners.The coalition’s holiday mission is to show people the joy of theseason, they say. Silverstein states, [The] Christmas seasonshould mean more to people than just money. McFayden then quippedand debt.The Peace Action Bay Ridge Interfaith Coalition was started aroundthe time of the Iraq war, said McFayden, who announced that thegroup has recently supported the Occupy Wall Street movement, andcontinually opposes war and the use of nuclear weapons. McFaydenalso said that the organization wants to promote the idea of livingin a balanced world.Leave a Reply
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