Dyker Heights resident and Onofrio Dematti first got interestedin jewelry-making when he was a student at New Utrecht High Schoolafter observing a class at his school teaching the trade.
I peeked in, I liked it and [then] I majored in jewelry-makingin high school Dematti recalled.
On December 3, Dematti celebrated the opening of a new locationfor his retail store Onofrio D. Oro with a ribbon cutting ceremonyfor 30 friends, family and invited guests. He feels that theneighborhood is supportive of his new venture — Onofrio D. OroFine Jewelry on Fifth.
People were excited it wasn’t a 99-cent store, that it wassomething with elegance that came to the location, Demattisaid.
The jeweler explained that the elegance is the result of sevenmonths of construction which it took to realize an interior that hedesigned. Dematti says his recent purchase of the building, at 7407Fifth Avenue, helped to inspire him.
I put in a lot of months fixing up the store because it’s mybuilding and I want it to be perfect, he said.
Before moving into their new location, Onofrio D. Oro waslocated at 83rd Street and 13th Avenue for a decade. Dematti sayshe is looking forward to starting a new chapter for a business thathe says is a far cry from a typical jewelry store.
We actually make the jewelry so even if we have to repair it,we’ll take repairs no one else would have the know how to fix, hesaid. We’re actually jewelers. We’re not sales reps.
Onofrio D. Oro can be reached at 718-680-5723. The store’swebsite is www.onofriodoro.com.