Maimonides Medical Center has added a cutting edge CardiacIntensive Care Unit (CICU) to its 10th Avenue facility, andhospital staff couldn’t be happier. On November 15, medicalpersonnel gathered to cut the ribbon on the upgraded wing andreflect on what it will mean for heart patients treated there.
We can’t implement new technologies without having the bestinfrastructure, said Dr. Jacob Shani, chair of the CICU, whoadded, Other than being pleasing to the eyes, it’s going to be aplace with monitors which allow you to record every heartbeat.
One such new technology enables doctors to monitor heart ratesaround the clock using computer technology. If a patient’s heartstops unexpectedly, the machine triggers an electricaldefibrillator charge immediately to prevent cardiac arrest or evendeath.
Even if no one notices the arrhythmia, the computer will pickit up and administer a shock, said Director of Clinical CardiologyDr. Gerald Hollander, who also explained why the technology issuperior. There’s a human hesitation to deliver a shock. If youcan save four minutes for someone in cardiac arrest, the odds ofthem surviving are greatly increased.
We [now] have a place to take care of patients with the newesttechnologies, Shani said.
Maimonides President and CEO, Pamela Brier feels that therenovated facility brings the wing’s visual surroundings andtechnology up to par with Maimonides’s medical treatment.
The most important thing of course, is the quality of thecare, Brier said. Our cardiac care is in the top 10 in thecountry. But we wanted the facility where people are cared for toreflect that quality. We think the patients deserved it and we’rethrilled about it.