When it comes to investing in real estate, you can never knowtoo much.
On January 12, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., the Brooklyn Chamber ofCommerce will look to expand your knowledge, at the second of itsthree-part Real Estate Breakfast Seminar Series held for free atSt. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street.
The second seminar, entitled Spotlight on Brooklyn South, willfocus on the changing real estate market in Sheepshead Bay, ConeyIsland and other neighborhoods south of Prospect Park. Speakerswill include John Reinhardt, president of Fillmore Real Estate;Nate Bliss, president of Coney Island Development Corp; Eddie Sitt,CEO of Sitt Asset Management; and Zachary Kerr, president, M &R Management Corp.
According to Lori Raphael, director of real estate &development at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, each speaker wascarefully chosen to maximize the effectiveness of the seminarseries.
My major consideration was to select speakers that could give adepth of knowledge of the subject that would be more than just anoverview, Raphael said.
She said she hopes the series will make attendees feel likethey know what steps to take and the relationships you would needto get a project going.
The Home Reporter and The Brooklyn Spectatorare sponsors of the Real Estate Breakfast Seminar Series, alongwith Aptsandlofts.com, Massey Knakal Realty Services, TerraCRGCommercial Realty Group and St. Francis College.
The third and final installment of the seminar series,Bushwick: North Brooklyn’s Final Frontier will take place onFebruary 16.
So far, Raphael is pleased to announce, the series has been ahit.
The positive response has been gratifying and we hope tocontinue this in the future, she said.
Parties interested in attending should email Raphael [email protected].