Good afternoon! So with the great weather comes a long list of things you can do. Every day, we’ll give you a quick rundown of some great events – which are also available in our Events Calendar. If we missed something, feel free to post your own event here.
- Tonight is Pacific Standard‘s monthly literary reading at 7 p.m., so head to 82 Fourth Avenue, where three literary dads will make the crowd laugh with tales of their parenting. Donovan Hohn, prize-winning author of Moby-Duck and feature editor at GQ, Brian Braiker a former Newsweek and Rolling Stone staff writer, and contributing editor at the Guardian US and Billboard magazine is also an amateur banjo player, and lastly Gabe Soria a music journalist and co-author of the graphic novel Life Sucks are the three men the crowd will be hearing from tonight. Show up at 7 pm for the free reading and (not-so free) beer!
- Make your day a ‘My Park and Me Day’ at Hamilton Metz Park on Albany Avenue between Lefferts Ave. & East New York Ave. From 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., there will be a farmer’s market, gardening, soccer and flag football with Seeds in the Middle, as well as light refreshments, apple-cider making with the Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum, and more. Health info and a fitness mobile van will be provided by Well Care, Kings County Hospital and the Parks Dept.
- The BK Swappers will be meeting tonight at Krrb’s offices near McCarren Park to swap edibles and non-edibles—so bring your kitchenware, serving platters, cookbooks, small appliances, and anything food related! For this special event – a collaboration between BK Swappers, Krrb and Local Roots CSA – there will be a nominal registration fee of $5 (proceeds go to offset party costs and the remainder will go to charity—future swaps will still be free of charge).
- Tonight at 7 p.m. is the next installation of Cobble Hill Park’s 2012 Music in the Park Concert Series. Today features Kelly McRae!
- Join 3rd Ward from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. for a lecture with Amanda Parkes, who studies the relationship of gesture, form, materiality, and computation in relation to hybrid physical-digital objects. Fashion meets technology in this most modern of conversations. Parkes is a mechanical engineer and designer, interested in the relationship of gesture, form, materiality, and computation in the context of hybrid physical-digital objects. She is currently the Chief Technology Officer at Bodega Algae, a developer of scalable algae photobioreactors that produce high-energy algal biomass for use in the production of biofuel. For members it is $15, non-members $20. 3rd Ward is located on 195 Morgan Avenue.
- The 10th Annual Summer Soiree to help the Prospect Park Alliance is slated for tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Boathouse. Funds go to help care for ‘Brooklyn’s backyard.’ The Alliance is celebrating 25 years of restoring Prospect Park to its original glory. More info and directions can be found at