Captain Picard, aka Professor Charles Xavier, aka the awesome and highly esteemed British theatre actor Sir Patrick Stewart has moved to Park Slope, according to tipsters to Brownstoner and the Cobble Hill Blog.
Stewart, best known to the American masses for his work on Star Trek and X-Men, reportedly paid around $2 million for a home with plenty of outdoor and indoor space.
With creative types from around the world flocking or returning to Brooklyn in droves over the past decade or so — think Anne Hathaway, Zoe Kazan, Michelle Williams, and Sarah Jessica Parker among the actors; and Paul Auster, Martin Amis, Jhumpa Lahiri, Jennifer Egan and Jennifer Miller among the writers — this news should come as no surprise, but it’s Patrick Stewart! The acting legend himself. It’s always nice to be reminded that Brooklyn isn’t just trendy… it’s classy, too.