HEY JUDE: WOOF WOOF…Trevor is a five-month old White Shepherd mix pup. Fortunately for him, he was intercepted on the way into the Animal Care & Control Center, where he would have gotten sick, depressed and possibly put down.
We took him into the BROOKLYN ANIMAL FOSTER NETWORK. What a perfect little puppy. He is loving, and so much fun to be with. He is able to learn new commands and only needs to be told No once. Folks, this is fabulous dog.
Meet Trevor on Saturday at BAFN HOMELESS PETS ADOPTIONS at 237 Seventh Avenue at Fourth Street, in Park Slope, weather permitting.
ATTENTION: BAFN is looking for an indoor location in Bay Ridge with high traffic to show their adoptable pets. Contact Laurie at brooklynanimalfosternetwork.org.
Everything I know, I learned from dogs. –Nora Roberts, Author
HEY JUDE: I am replying to Overwhelmed Helen, Brooklyn Heights, which was in the October 11, 2012 column.
I have been where you are. I, too, started feeding two cats in my yard. I HAD a great job, lots of perks, lots of money, lots of family, friends, and lots of cats. The two kitties grew into 32. Cat food bills soared. I fed them the best wet and dry foods, and healthy snacks. I cooked turkey, chicken and roast beef. We ate together. I joined them in the yard. I burned out, had a nervous breakdown, was hospitalized, pronounced sane, but clinically depressed. I was not a cat person. Sadly, I had had a miscarriage, my husband deserted me, my hormones went crazy. Cats comforted me, then became my anchor.
My biggest mistake, like Helen’s, we fed the cats first without spaying or neutering. My friend, who lives out-of-state, took ALL of my cats and started a sanctuary. She has five acres of land, built indoor-outdoor enclosures; my babies are safe, vetted and happy. I visit them frequently with my new beau, I am working and my sanity has returned. I tell everyone about spaying through Muffin’s…fix ’em first, then feed. If only we had known to do that first. Thank you and God Bless! — Gretchen, Bay Ridge.