YOUR BEST INVESTMENT: Etiquette for Children

Guest Etiquette

Your teenager is leaving to spend the weekend at a friend’s home. You have already cautioned her to be on her best behavior because you realize that the impression she leaves will reflect on your parenting skills.

Here is an etiquette tip that will definitely help her leave a good impression. On the morning of her departure, the bed should not be re-made with used linen, but stripped of the flat and fitted sheets plus pillowcase(s). However, a bed should never be left naked, so instruct her to re-make it using only the bedspread or comforter (extend over and tuck under the pillows).

The used bed sheets can now be folded and placed neatly on the bedspread at the foot of the bed. A “thank you” card can be placed on top of the folded linen as an element of surprise when the hostess visits to clean the guest room and replace the linen. If there is no bedspread, the flat sheet should take its place while folding the fitted sheet and pillow cases.


“Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you’re a cheese.” Billie Burke

Gravity keeps us from colliding with each other; that’s good, but its downward pull weakens our facial muscles….not so good. However, we are not helpless.

To help rejuvenate our cheeks, restore tone and muscle strength, first apply olive oil to a clean face. Pull back the corners of the mouth and cheeks upward with the palms of both hands. Attempt to touch your nose with your upper lip. Count to 10 and relax. Repeat five times.

Smile a wide smile with closed lips and suck them in as far as possible. Hold and count to 10. Repeat 10 times. Again, smile a wide smile with closed lips that are turned upward. Now use your cheek muscles to smile wider as if trying to touch your ears with your cheeks. Hold for five counts and relax. Repeat 10 times.

Phillipa Morrish is the president of Etiquette Training International.

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