Brooklyn Education: 31 Fontbonne students are inducted into National Honor Society

Thirty-one members of the Class of 2014 at Fontbonne Hall Academy joined their senior sisters as members of the Mother Saint John Fontbonne Chapter of the National Honor Society on April 17.

At the ceremony, the inductees and their families were welcomed by Sister Dolores F. Crepeau, CSJ, principal, and Mrs. Gilda T. King, assistant principal, along with Faculty Advisors Ms. Maryann T. DeLuca and Ms. Maura Kate Costello.

Ms. Elizabeth Silva, Esq., Class of 2005, who was a member of the National Honor Society as a Fontbonne student, addressed the group. The 25 senior members were recognized for their academic successes with the announcement of the scholarships that they have earned to date.

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Bishop Kearney High School swept all three places in the high school division of The TabletÂ’s annual Christ is Risen Easter Art Contest. Each student received a medal, a monetary award and certificates from The Tablet

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Windsor Terrace junior Maggie Hom was one of 14 Loyola School students who qualified to compete in the New York State Forensic League State Championship Tournament. Congratulations!

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Representatives from more than 50 colleges attended the Spring College Fair at Fontbonne Hall Academy. While members of the Class of 2013 are finalizing their college decisions, members of the Classes of 2014, 2015 and 2016 were excited to meet the college representatives and plan for their futures.

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Members of the Fontbonne Hall Academy community joined together to participate in a walkathon in support of student programs and school families that were victims of Superstorm Sandy.

Everyone participated in the event, even those students currently on the disabled list who sat on the bleachers and cheered on their classmates. The walkathon was under the direction Athletic Director Donna Schirripa.

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