Atlantic Frantic fundraiser supports effort to pay legal fees to save LICH

The first Atlantic Frantic Fundraiser was a success, raising an as-yet-announced amount of money to help shore up dwindling resources at Long Island College Hospital (LICH) and also offset legal costs incurred by the Concerned Physicians of Long Island College Hospital and the local branch of the American Nurses Association during the months-long fight to save the community hospital.

Residents and medical professionals from across Brooklyn and New York City gathered on Friday, June 14, for the evening of food, entertainment and camaraderie.

Hopes have been raised with the recent news that SUNY Downstate is considering potential bids from other regional hospital networks to buy LICH as part of its proposed restructuring plan, submitted to the state health department on May 28. Previously, SUNY Downstate had wanted to shutter LICH outright, but community and political outrage, coupled with judicial interference, stalled that plan.

Even with the cause for hope, though, LICH’s resources — financial and human — are badly damaged by the ordeal, with staff leaving for more stable jobs and patient services struggling to keep up to previous standards.

Brooklyn hospitals in general are also struggling to meet increased demand with fewer resources.

Donations are still being accepted at

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