Do you have an important event coming up? Are you hosting a party that requires invites to be sent out? The Paper Source, located at 102 Smith Street, is holding an “Invitations Workshop” at the cost of $30 tonight. This 2-hour class, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., allows anyone in attendance to create invitations for any special occasion they may have in the future.
Since it’s a somber day that’s making everyone feel like out of sorts, why not attend the “Syfy Movie with a View” event. Held tonight at Harbor View Park/Pier1/Brooklyn Bridge Park, the night will start off with DJ Aryes, with “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” being shown afterward. Following the movie, the short film “Irish Folk Furniture” by Tony Donoghue will also be shown. Tonight’s event will begin promptly at 6 p.m. and conclude approximately at 11 p.m.