Unsung Bay Ridge: Everywhere and ever helpful


My choice for our unsung hero this week is Rhea McConeShe has volunteered for many years at Fontbonne Hall Academy, and was inducted in its Hall of Fame. She also at serves as zone coordinator for the Third Avenue Merchants Association, which recently honored her as a pioneer.

Another of Rhea’s hats is as president of Harbor Abstract Agency Ltd., 7617 Third Avenue. Rhea has been happily married to her husband Cody for 25 years. They have two beautiful daughters, Ciara and Kaeleigh. I think it that public recognition of her community service is long overdue.


I would like to thank all of my friends for their support, kind words and other ways in which they showed their love and concern during my recent illness. I am truly appreciative.

Hats off to Cosentino’s, our favorite fish market at 6922 Third Avenue, for 93 years of service to the Bay Ridge community. Its success is in no doubt partly due to its fresh selection of products and good customer service. Best wishes to Mike Cosentino and Amelia Nappa.

The end of summer is already on the horizon, and State Senator Marty Golden knows how to send it out with a happy bang. In collaboration with the Frankie Marra Band, the park at 79th Street and Shore Road will be the place to go for good music on August 28 from 7 p.m.

UNSUNG FOLK REMEDIES: Pets – Get rid of fleas

People who have pets spend thousands of dollars to keep them in good health. If you suspect your pet has fleas, here are some natural methods of banishing them.

One teaspoon vinegar to a quart of your animal’s drinking water will keep it free of fleas and ticks.

Place an open jar or two of eucalyptus leaves and stems in the rooms most frequented by your pet to deter fleas. If there are raw areas, break a piece of aloe vera plant and rub the gel on the wound.

Please consult your doctor if you are on any medication.

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