Greenwood Heights, Windsor Terrace in DSNY organics collection pilot program

In efforts to make the city even greener, the Department of Sanitation is kicking off an organics collection pilot program in certain neighborhoods across the city, including Greenwood Heights and Windsor Terrace, beginning this fall.

Once a week, residents will be able to drop off compost waste – which makes up nearly 30 percent of the city’s residential and institutional waste stream – at a location to be determined each week.

Items collected include yard waste; food scraps, including fruits and vegetables, meat, bones, grains and prepared foods; and compostable paper, such as tissues, napkins, soiled paper, paper plates and other materials suitable for industrial-scale composting.

Compost drop-off collection days are broken into three sections.

Residents living between 23rd Street north to 15th Street between Sixth and Eighth Avenues will have their compost drop-off commence every Wednesday, beginning October 9.

Those living between 20th Street north to 15th Street/Prospect Park Southwest, between Eighth Avenue and 11th Avenue, will have their collection every Monday, starting October 7.

Residents living between McDonald Avenue north to Prospect Park Southwest, between 11th Avenue and Caton Avenue, will have their compost drop-off every Tuesday, starting October 8.

By collecting this waste, the city can reduce the amount of trash sent to landfills and incinerators, which cuts down on export costs and greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time, generating valuable materials which can be used as fertilizer in the city’s parks and gardens.

For more information on the organics collection program and to be updated with collection locations, visit

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