This weeks unsung hero is someone I have known for many years. Dan Texeira has always been a man who wears many hats. He is recognized by many as a trusted family insurance person who gives advice regarding home, business, civic and auto coverage.Dan helps steer Bay Ridgeites into what he thinks is best for their insurance needs. He spends his free time as sports commissioner in St. Anselms youth programs, and is also an active member of the Fifth Avenue Business Improvement District.Dan works on committees assisting merchants, helps keep his block clean by working with his neighbors, and is a family man who is assisted by his wife Ann and children Carolyn, Daniel and Elizabeth. We appreciate your good work Dan.COMMUNITY NEWSThe Bay Ridge St. Patricks Parade Committee has announced the selection of NYPD Chief Joe Fox as the grand marshal for the 2014 Parade being held on March 23. Chief Fox was cited for his 12 years of sterling service as Chief of Brooklyn South. He is currently at the helm of NYPDs Transit Bureau.Happy 100th Anniversary to St. Athanasius Church. Monsignor David CassatoNicholas DiMarzioUNSUNG FOLK REMEDIES: Alleviate hay fever symptomsAn age-old folk remedy for hay fever is honey that is farmed within 25 miles of your home. The logic behind the local honey is that it may contain pollen from the local plants that trigger hay fever symptoms.This type of honey may be found at farmers markets in the neighborhood. Do not give honey to small children because they may have an allergy that can endanger their health.Another remedy is to mix one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Add a half cup of hot water and then fill the cup with cold water. This delicious drink taken every morning is highly recommended for avoiding allergies.Please consult your doctor if you are ill or on any medication.Leave a Reply
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