COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: The traits of leadership aren’t common within everyone. Through his consistency with volunteer work, Leithland “Rickie” Tulloch proves that leadership is instilled in him.
While Tulloch is no longer on Community Board 17, he was a part of it for 18 years, serving as its treasurer as well as land use committee chair, dealing with rezoning and community development issues.
In addition, Tulloch is the former chair of the board of directors for Flatbush Action Community Day Care Center, serving in that post for two years. Being involved in the center prior to his chair appointment, he served there for over 15 years. The center was funded by the city and served over 200 kids.
Providing assistance for students from Jamaica who live in the states and students who reside in Jamaica, Tulloch helped them obtain supplies, equipment, and scholarships under the Ginger Ridge Pass Student Association.
CAREER: Tulloch attended Brooklyn College where he obtained his Bachelors of Science degree in accounting and his Master of Arts degree in economics.
Currently, Tulloch is the deputy chief financial officer at Harlem Hospital Center. Tulloch doesn’t plan to stop there. He wants to run for elected office. Tulloch knows of the struggles that accompany running for office. It doesn’t hinder his decisions he said, noting, “The motivation is to do more for the community and better the lives of people.”
MOTIVATION: To Tulloch, there aren’t any hardships of volunteer work because it is done by choice.
“Just because you are fortunate and things are going well for you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop to help others who aren’t as fortunate as you are,” said Tulloch. Tulloch looks at community develop as an opportunity to assist others who are in need.
Tulloch knows the importance of teamwork, and he is aware that those who are around him are necessary to his success. “You can’t live for yourself,” he stresses. “No man is an Island.”
PERSONAL LIFE: The 51-year-old Jamaican has been living in Flatbush since he came to New York 38 years ago. “I am from a big family,” said Tulloch. “My mother and father had 13 kids.” The majority of Tulloch’s siblings live in different parts of the United States.
Now divorced, Tulloch has four adult children. His immediate and extended family are very supportive of his voluntary work.
“When you’re in a big family you learn the value of helping each other,” said Tulloch. “The principle they instill in you is to be community-minded, look out for the community.”