Theres a new tradition in the making thanks to the 68th Precinct Community Council: honoring civilians who have gone above and beyond to help others in a time of emergency.
The idea of singling out area residents who have done good deeds was hatched earlier this spring by the precincts commanding officer, Captain Ray Festino. It was launched at the community councils June meeting, with the bestowing of a medal on Kate Cucco, chief of staff to Assemblymember Alec Brook-Krasny, who recently helped out a woman who was extremely inebriated, and not able to take care of herself, when she encountered her one evening on Third Avenue. According to Ilene Sacco, the president of the community council, Cucco noticed the woman was not in good shape, and, being concerned that something would happen to her if she tried to get home on her own, talked her onto a bench, got her some food, called an ambulance for her and made sure she got the help she needed, even though the woman was somewhat suspicious and resistant.She made sure she got home safely, stressed Sacco.Kate Cucco honored by 68th Precinct Community Council

Ilene Sacco and Kate Cucco.