Beating Cancer in Heels: Today I choose to be happy

Life is exactly like a roller coaster. Sometimes it’s scary and other times it’s enjoyable. Sometimes it can make you feel alive and others times as if you are going to die. You are not sure what will happen on this ride because something could always go terribly wrong but something made you get on it in the first place.

That, my coachee, was your choice and in the end it’s always worth the ride. With that said, sometimes certain people on that same ride can get very annoying, like the person who screams the entire way, or the one that yells out immature comments, maybe even the one that cries like a baby.

Just like in real life, we are sometimes affected by the opposite moods of others and that needs to be stopped. Why? Because we shouldn’t get upset that someone is having a great time when we are not. Just because you are in a state of panic doesn’t mean that the other people can’t express the joy of their own ride. Besides, we need those people to remind us that we too can build up the courage to find a way to minimize fear and maximize courage. Get it? Stay with me.

Throughout my whole life, I had a lot of issues with people who disliked my positive energy and by dislike I mean couldn’t stand it! I didn’t understand it at first but after a while it clicked. They were miserable!

I wasted so much energy trying to figure out what I said or did when in actuality they just didn’t like anyone who was happier than them. Could you imagine how they felt when I took a positive approach to my cancer? They mush have wanted to pull the hair out of their heads.

I think some people thought I lived in a bubble of bliss when in actuality I didn’t. I was and am still working on my neurotic, hypochondriac and anxiety-inducing self that chooses to fight it all with a smile on my face. I didn’t want to be like them. Guess what, Coachee, you don’t have to be like them and you don’t have to deal with them either and I will coach you through it.

I will admit that I had a few moments in which I couldn’t stand happy people when I was sick but then I remembered that I once was happy and I would be again soon. Being jealous of others’ happiness just makes you that miserable person that I never wanted to become.

How can you embrace others happiness?

Ask yourself…

How would you feel if you were that person?

Do you want to be a part of their happy energy or submerge in your sad state of mind?

How can you block out other people’s negative energy?

Ask yourself…

Is this person angry with me or is this a deeper issue?

Do you really care what these people think?

Empowerment: Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.

Inspiration for the week: Joan Rivers, a woman who made herself happy one joke at a time.

Calming sentence of the week: I cannot control the emotions of others.

That’s it for today, Coachee! Stay tuned for more tips from your Life Coach Marlena!

If you are interested in being coached one on one please contact me at You can also follow me on Facebook, Marlena Ortiz.

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