Beating Cancer in Heels: Too much time to think?

While fighting cancer, I made a big life transition. I had to quit my job, move back home with my parents, and fight cancer. Fighting a disease is mentally exhausting and time-consuming but there might be downtimes that you don’t know how to fill. You might be too sick, broke or emotional to do anything.

A lot of downtime can take away from the ability to take advantage of the spare time you have to heal. You might start to overthink, sleep and eat, and that can lead you to more serious issues and you have enough to deal with. This is the time to take your downtime and have it help you make the best of today and better prepare for tomorrow.

I’m only allowed 600 words per article so I can’t even begin to tell you the rollercoaster of thoughts, emotions or lack of motions I went though and still do with my spare time. It’s all a process and thankfully working through those moments has caused me to make great moments in my life. Guess what? So can you!

At other times, you might be too busy to overthink but when you have a few seconds too, you are overwhelmed with the thoughts that come rushing through you. Don’t stress! I will help you come up with some creative ways to make the best of your time. These creative ways can help empower and inspire you.

How do I make the best of my down-time?

Ask yourself…

      What did you always want to do if you had more free time? Ex: A hobbies, career change or a vacation.

       If so, can you do it now or plan to do it in the future?

Still not sure?

Ask yourself…

What thoughts bring joy to your life?

Can you bring those thoughts to reality? Ex: Calling an old friend, writing, or going for a walk on a beach.

Would you like to take this time to just unwind?

Ask yourself…

What are some healthy ways in which I can relax? Ex: relaxing music, watching a movie.

Is there a special environment or person that make you feel at ease?

Empowerment tip: The time is always NOW.

Tips on how to make the best of your time

Ask someone to hold you accountable for making sure you make the best of your time, Ex: friend, family member, life coach.

Schedule it in your daily planner.

Leave yourself motivational reminders.

Take a picture or print out what you want to do and leave it somewhere visible.

Leave out any books, movies, and television shows that you want to catch up on.

Keep an open mind and don’t be scared of where it may lead you.

If your find yourself feeling overwhelmed take a break and come back to it.

Discuss what it is you want to do with others

Empowerment tip: If you believe in yourself and know what you want to do, you’re going to make it HAPPEN!

Calming sentence of the week: Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see to see, que sera.

That’s it for today, Coachee! Stay tuned for more tips from your Life Coach Marlena!

If you are interested in being coached one on one, please contact me at You can also follow me on Facebook, Marlena Ortiz.

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