Beating Cancer in Heels: New Life=A New You

In my articles, I often speak about how much a life-threatening illness changes your perspective and I cannot talk about it enough. For some, this perspective changes the way an individual decides to move forward in the next chapter of his or her life.

However, that doesn’t happen so easily or clearly, for that matter, and that can cause us to feel stuck. I found that discovering a purpose though my pain helped make my struggles more meaningful.

However, sticking with such a profound and deep perspective became a challenge for me and for other survivors as well.

I often fought between trying to keep a little of the old me with the new me. I wanted to keep up with my peers when it came to moving forward, living life in a little more carefree way.

I tried and tried to hold on to my youthful perspective but the more I surrounded myself with those type of people, the more I felt alone, and full of confusion, frustration and sadness.

I was confused about what was it that I was supposed to do, frustrated with the struggles I had to overcome and sad that all this was still happening to me.

As soon as I grew stronger in who I was, what I stood for and what I wouldn’t allow in my life, the more I realized that I was in fact very alone.

I was no longer interested in spending my weekends drinking in places where I couldn’t hear myself talk. I wanted to have conversations with low music and I wanted to talk about real things that mattered, unless I wasn’t in the mood to talk that is.

I wanted to spend most of my moments impacting other people’s lives, not pretending to care about BS. This is probably why Chelsea Handler left E!

This New Life as the New Me filtered out a lot of people who just didn’t get it or didn’t care to.

Now that I truly understand that time is very valuable, I don’t want anyone to waste it. That, my Coachee, is one of the bittersweet parts of being true to you.

I realized I was not here to be friends with everyone; I am too real for that. I am here to impact the lives of those who need it. With all that said, do you know how to stay true to the new you?

Let’s coach you through it!

Ask yourself…

How do you feel when you surround yourself with like-minded people?

Do you feel heard and understood around family and friends?

If not, how can you communicate more effectively to them?

When are you enjoying yourself the most?

What is your new philosophy on life?

When do you feel you are most authentic? Who are you with and what are you doing?

When do you feel like you are being untrue to you? Who are you with and what are you doing?

Life Coach TIP: When you speak the truth you don’t have to remember what you said.

Empowerment: Being yourself is being real.

Calming sentence of the week – Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it will get you the right ones!

That’s it for today, Coachee! Stay tuned for more tips and stories from your Life Coach Marlena!

If you are interested in being coached one on one please contact me at You can also follow me on Facebook, Beating Cancer In Heels & Marlena Ortiz.

REMEMBER: Women between the ages of 20 and 40 diagnosed with cancer get six free coaching sessions through the nonprofit

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