Beating Cancer in Heels: How courageous are you?

Courage is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. Sounds like it takes a whole lot to have courage, doesn’t it? Fighting a life-threatening illness really does test your courage and that powerful lesson will help you build up your courage in the future.

The aftermath of having their life put in question can cause many people to face some of their biggest fears. Some might want to face their fear of heights and jump out of an airplane while others might start making more intimate changes in their life.

Recently, I had to build up the courage to end something that wasn’t working anymore. I was fighting the change for a bunch of reason but when the moment of clarity came, I was courageous enough to take advantage of that knowledge.

It wasn’t easy and it cost me many tears, fears, uncertainty, pain and intimidation, but I knew that I was right in the decision I made. Did I second-guess myself? Yes but I know that I only have one life and I refuse to accept so much unnecessary heartache.

Sometimes in life it’s hard to take a step back and look at the reality you are in and then be honest with yourself about it. Change is hard but what it harder is feeling stuck and unhappy. If you feel that you have done all you can do, said all you can say, then what else is left?

It’s up to YOU to make the best decisions for your life and you, my Coachee, deserve that. You might not want to right away, you might be scared of all the what-if’s, but know that you are always in control.

Once we step in a car, we have no idea what will happen on the road. However, a lot of us still keep driving because we all have someplace to go.

Don’t ever lose sight of your destination in life and don’t let anyone or anything stop you from achieving that goal. Now isn’t always the right time but that doesn’t mean one day it will be. I have coached many people on building courage and they have courageously embarked on the path of the life they wanted and the end results were priceless.

Now, let’s start building your courage!

In what areas of your life would you like to build courage?

How would building your courage help you achieve your goals?

Do you surround yourself with courageous people?

What would inspire you to make courageous changes?

Do you have a game plan for when you do make those changes?

Life Coach TIP: Visualize your life being the courageous person you are! What does it feel like? What does it look like? Do you like it?

Empowerment: All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

Calming sentence of the week: It doesn’t have to happen today but I owe it to myself to make it happen.

That’s it for today, Coachee! Stay tuned for more tips and stories from your Life Coach Marlena!

Having someone holding you accountable will help you achieve your 2015 goals and much more!

If you are interested in being coached one on one or group coaching with FRIENDS, please contact me at You can also follow me on Facebook, Beating Cancer in Heels and Marlena Ortiz.

REMEMBER: Women between the ages of 20 and 40 diagnosed with cancer get six free coaching sessions through the nonprofit


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