Student scribes were in the spotlight as the Bay Ridge Community Council celebrated local youngsters’ writing ability during the annual Essay Contest awards ceremony.
There were four first place and four second place winners, one each in grades five through eight.
For fifth grade, the first place winner was P.S. 127’s Michelle Chung, whose essay answered the question, “Imagine your life as a cartoon character. What does it look like? How is it different from your life now?”
The first place sixth grade winner was Caroline Ji, of I.S. 187, whose essay was written on the topic, “If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom?”
The question of the day for seventh grade first place winner Lai Wa Chu, of I.S. 259, was “If you could break the Guinness Book of World Records, what would it be for?”
Finally, the eighth grade first place prize went to Patrick Finn of St. Patrick Academy, who answered the question, “You are the rule of the world! How do you rule it and what effect do you have on the world’s people, animals, oceans and forests?”
The second place fifth grade winner was Lauren Borgia of Holy Angels Academy. The second place sixth grade winner was Salma Elhabashy of P.S./I.S. 229. The second place seventh grade winner was John Pluchino of St. Bernadette School, and the second place eighth grade winner was Vincent Buono of St. Bernadette School.
First place winners received a $50 prize and a plaque, with second place winners receiving a $25 prize and a plaque. In addition, a school winner on each grade level received a plaque for his or her achievement.
The event was held at McKinley Intermediate School, Fort Hamilton Parkway and 73rd Street, on Tuesday, May 26.