The all-volunteer Fort Hamilton Citizens Action Committee is holding a fall cocktail reception on Thursday, October 1, from 7 to 9 p.m., in the Grand Ballroom at the Bay Ridge Manor, 476 76th Street. Honorees include the Bay Ridge Lawyers Association and Robert J. Sabbagh, owner of the Bay Ridge Auto Group, plus Bill Guarinello, president and CEO of HeartShare Human Services, chair of Community Board 11, and president of the FHCAC.
Reservations, which are $100 per person, may be mailed with checks payable to the FHCAC, to Anthony Grigos, Bay Ridge Federal Credit Union, 1750 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11214. Please RSVP as soon as possible.
The committee is a community-based organization that supports members of the armed services and their families. It also promotes effective communications, understanding and activities between the military and the local community. This year, the group has joined in the celebration of the U.S. Army’s 240th anniversary. Proceeds from this fundraiser are to benefit the mission of the FHCAC. (In the interest of full disclosure, your correspondent is a member of this committee.)
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The Bay Ridge Historical Society — that was founded in 1976, and is currently headed by Thomas McCarthy — is starting its fall season with its first meeting on Wednesday, September 16, 7:30 p.m., at the Shore Hill Neighborhood Center, between Colonial Road and Shore Road.
Joseph Cunningham, a noted electrical engineer, historian and author of the book, New York Power, will give a visual presentation and talk on the history of electric power here, in the city and in the state of New York. He will also discuss the long-forgotten 66th Street Bay Ridge generating station and the electrification of Coney Island. This event is open to the general public.
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Officers and members of the prestigious Cathedral Club of Brooklyn will be teeing off at their annual gold outing at the Battleground Country Club in Tennent, New Jersey, on Monday, September 14. Proceeds from the event help to provide Catholic school scholarships as well as other charitable causes the club supports.
The Cathedral Club, which was founded in 1900, is currently headed by Vincent Levien. Other officers include Vice President Mark Cipolla, Treasurer Antonio Biondi, Recording Secretary Marianne Bertuna and Financial Secretary Judge Patricia DiMango.