Congratulations to Bay Ridge’s Teddy Ghorra who chaired a very well-attended meeting of the Brooklyn Republican Party executive committee, his first, held recently in a meeting room at the Bridgeview Dinner. The party’s executive committee is comprised of elected State Committee members representing Assembly districts from all around the county.
As much as there has been some controversy relating to who chairs the Brooklyn Republican Party, which has resulted in the Board of Elections refusing to recognize a chairperson until a court or the State Republican Party provides guidance, the fact that, according to those in attendance, over 75 percent of the Brooklyn party’s leaders either attended in person or by proxy this executive committee meeting, it is apparent who the rank and file view as their chairperson. As proof, the Brooklyn party posted to various social media sites pictures of the filled meeting room and those in attendance.
Arnaldo Ferraro, who has also been mentioned as chairperson, will continue to dispute who is chairperson. What he cannot dispute is who the leaders of his party have shown allegiance to by flocking to a duly called meeting by Ghorra.
And I can say, as the Conservative Party chairperson of Brooklyn who long ago stopped dealing with the former Republican county leader that when it comes to nominating candidates and collecting petitions, those leaders are the people who really matter. Now to have a county chairperson who upon consultation will speak in a coordinated manner for all of them is a major advance forward for any and all of us that believe in a mulit-party political system. Ghorra is certainly a breath of fresh air for Kings County politics. I wish him luck.
Chip Cafiero, who organizes State Senator Marty Golden’s annual Halloween Walk held at Owls Head Park, estimated that 15,000 children and adults attended the all-day event. I was helping out from 1 to 6 p.m. at the entrance and can say with some authority that it was incredibly busy. I saw many smiling children and quite a few adults, too, which really makes it all worthwhile.
It is also great that so many parents join their children in dressing up in costume. I think the children really enjoy having adults in character alongside them. The event was a safe, enjoyable way to spend an afternoon with your child, having some fun on what has become a big annual event.
Senator Golden, who I serve as chief of staff, works with the Parks Task Force in producing the walk and contributes out of private funds approximately half the cost. The other half is raised in the community through donations made before and at the event. Absolutely no taxpayer money is involved. The senator, when he was running for the New York City Council way back in 1997, created the first community Halloween event that was held at the Bay Ridge Manor. Most of the succeeding 18 events have been held at Owls Head which, due to its size and impressive hill, is a great location.
The New York City labor arbitrator who proposed a draft arbitration settlement for New York City police officers that will result in a one percent pay raise got it wrong. The PBA should appeal. Pay raises for public employees are always controversial, but one percent for cops is ridiculous, even insulting.
I could give all the traditional arguments that the job is very dangerous and even compare city police salaries to Nassau and Suffolk County police which are two and even three times higher than those in the city, but that would be too defensive.
The bottom line is that a multi-year labor contract for a group of hardworking employees doing a dangerous job that are already underpaid should not come out below the rate of inflation. It is just wrong.