During this time of the year, I cannot help but think of our many neighbors and friends who help to make it “the happiest season” for many families, who would not have had one without their assistance.
Artie Maresca is one such person. Though he is a busy businessman, he supports numerous charities with his time and financial resources. He helped to create the Ben-Bay Kiwanas Club, together with his friend, the late Victor Allegretti. Throughout the years, that group has assisted many needy families on a monthly basis.
Artie also helps veterans and active duty military families, and can be depended on to assist many charitable organizations with food and other donations. He gives of himself, and can often be seen at fundraisers, contributing generously without looking for credit. Artie is one of the unsung heroes of our community. We are really happy to have him as a neighbor.
Many friends, schools and businesses in our community have donated generously to the Fort Hamilton Christmas party, but I wish to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of my dear friend Penney Santo. Penney devoted much of her holiday season to assisting her son, Dominick, in gathering toys and gift cards for the children of Fort Hamilton.
They held a fundraising Christmas party at their home, and appealed to friends, businesses and schools for donations of toys and gift cards to be donated at Fort Hamilton for the children of military families.
Students at Xaverian High School, where Dominick is a senior, gave generously to the effort as well. I am so thankful to have such friends whose giving make the season so much better for our military families.
A happy birthday to a wonderful young man, Matt Clavin. Matt is a director for the family operated funeral home, and also represents his family at many of our local functions. I am always happy to see the next generation of Bay Ridge children follow in the footsteps of their parents, as they live and work in our community.
Tomatoes lower cholesterol: Tomatoes may be an easy way to help reduce cholesterol. Research results published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research have stated that an acid found in tomatoes helps the liver break down fats in the bloodstream, reducing LDL cholesterol by up to 13 percent in three weeks.
Please consult your doctor if you have any health concerns, or are on any medication.