Unsung Bay Ridge: New approach for a new year

Happy New Year to you all. May 2016 be a year of peace and good will for us here on earth.

There will be a few minor changes in my column for 2016. Bay Ridge residents whom I wish to highlight will be incorporated into the ‘Community News’ section, and ‘Trivia Corner’ will be added for your reading pleasure and information. I hope you enjoy this column as much as I enjoy bringing it to you.


A good way to begin the new year would be to volunteer your services to those who need it the most. Bay Ridge is proud that our own BRAVO is the largest volunteer ambulance service in the state of New York.

If you have some available hours each week, why not go down to the BRAVO Ambulance headquarters at 8507 Seventh Avenue on Tuesday, January 12, at 7 p.m. You will meet members of the team and learn more about what opportunities are available for you to serve. Interviews will be on the second floor.


Thomas Jefferson credited his relatively long life to cold foot baths. While most of his contemporaries died in their 50s, he made it to83. He claimed that for 60 years he soaked his feet every morning in cold water. Many people claim that changing to cold water showers resulted in health benefits.

John Tyler had more children than any other president in US history….15 in all.
George Washington’s salary was $25,000 per year, about one million dollars today.


Asthma; Two teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil (from a health food store) mixed with cereal is a folk remedy for lessening asthmatic attacks. Some claim that it can be mixed with peanut butter or yogurt to be made more palatable.

While we are on the topic of asthma, I must let you know that 1000 mg of Vitamin C per day has been reported to produce miraculous results for chronic asthma attack patients.

Athlete’s Foot: Many sufferers have reported this condition cleared within a week after massaging the feet with coconut oil after a bath every evening.

Please consult your doctor if you have any health concerns, or are on any medication.

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