“The Brooklyn Banker” movie made its debut to the world on Tuesday, August 2 at the SVA Theater on West 23rd Street in Manhattan.
The movie, which was directed by Federico Castelluccio and written by Michael Ricigliano, takes place in 1973 Williamsburg and tells the story of Santo Bastucci (Troy Garity), a banker with a talent of memorizing numbers who is recruited by mobster Manny “The Hand” Mistera (David Proval). Santo juggles the loyalty he has as a legitimate banker, family man and part-time gangster while realizing that every decision he makes has a consequence.
Castelluccio got the idea to direct the movie after the overwhelmingly positive response he got from the last movie he and Ricigliano worked on together, “Lily of the Feast.”
“This is almost like a continuation of our first movie,” said Castelluccio.
With over 470 people in attendance and the social media buzz surrounding his new movie, Castelluccio says he’s been walking on Cloud 9 with all of the positive feedback he’s been receiving.
“I could not be happier. The film was incredibly well received, and it’s all thanks to the audience,” said Castelluccio.
While Castelluccio is thrilled to still see a positive response from film critics, he believes the audience reception to the movie is what matters most.
“Critics will always have their professional views, but the audience response is what matters most,” said Castelluccio.
“The Brooklyn Banker” can now be seen in select theaters and is on video and on demand. Click here to find a theater near you.