First graders were welcomed into their classroom at P.S. 185 one morning, and were greeted by their teacher saying, “Good morning, boys and girls” wearing a red nose. The little ones laughed and wondered why?
The students at the Bay Ridge school , Ridge Boulevard and 86th Street, understand the importance of their mission statement. They recite it every morning. “We will be good students, good friends and good people.”
The Red Nose campaign, organized by Walgreens, has established a way to help raise awareness for children in poverty, lacking education, food, shelter and basic needs for a healthy childhood.
The P.S.185 children were thrilled to participate! They purchased red noses to wear and their parents supported them by making an additional donation. Together with their teacher, they went to and spoke with the managers at Foodtown about their undertaking. Foodtown generously helped them purchase non-perishable items.
The students brought these items to the Salvation Army food pantry on 86th Street and had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the wonderful work the organization does to help the neighborhood.
One of the students remarked, “It feels so good to know we are helping other kids! and we get to have fun, too!”
“I am very proud of my first graders and their efforts,” said teacher Diane Savattieri. “I believe they can teach all of us about the importance of teamwork and how to get things done….especially when it is in the service of others. Great job, Class 1-308!”