Malliotakis says there’s still more work needed at 92nd Street ramp off the Verrazzano

BAY RIDGE — With work about to begin on construction along the Gowanus Expressway off the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge in order to improve traffic flow and safety merges for motorists exiting the Verrazzano after 92nd Street toward Fort Hamilton Parkway, Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis said there’s still more work to be done.

While Malliotakis has voiced support for the planned expansion and widening of the roadway on the Brooklyn side of the bridge, a process that will ultimately save motorists time and help reduce congestion along the expressway, she has also expressed concern about the equally congested 92nd Street exit ramp off the Verrazzano, that sometimes causes cars to back up in the right hand lane all the way back along the length of the bridge, causing major traffic delays.

Malliotakis agreed that it was a step in the right direction, but said that more work had to be done to further alleviate congestion. “The extra lane is welcome news and should provide relief for those exiting at Fort Hamilton Parkway,” Malliotakis told this paper.

“But I would really like the MTA to also evaluate the 92nd Street exit which is always backed up, creating a lot of gridlock for drivers coming over the Verrazzano Bridge to Brooklyn. That has to be looked at as well,” added Malliotakis.

Amanda Rich, who lives in Manhattan and commutes daily to her job in Staten Island, also expressed her concerns about the need for the MTA to help manage backups at the 92nd Street exit.

“While I live in the city, my family lives in Bay Ridge and I usually stop in to see them a few times a week,” Rich told this paper.

“I’m glad that the MTA is addressing the exit at Fort Hamilton Parkway, but the 92nd Street exit is often a nightmare, and I really wish they would do something about the daily backup,” she added.

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