Getting ready for trio of St. Patrick’s parades

Erin Go Brah! Three big Irish celebrations are coming up soon as the Big Apple and Brooklyn prepare for their respective St. Patrick’s Day parades.

First up is the 263rd annual New York City parade along Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue on Saturday, March 16. Maggie C. Timoney, the chief executive officer of the Heineken Beer Company in America, is the grand marshal.

Maggie Timoney Photo courtesy of Facebook

The oldest parade in the country, it is sponsored by the St. Patrick’s Day Foundation. The parade committee will hold its annual installation reception on Sunday, Feb. 25 at 3 p.m. at Antun’s, 96-43 Springfield Boulevard in Queens Village. Tickets are $125. For reservations, email [email protected].

Next in line is Brooklyn’s 49th annual parade along Seventh Avenue and Prospect Park West on Sunday, March 17. It kicks off at 1 p.m.

Gerard L. Keogh, managing attorney for the Keogh Law Group, is the grand marshal. The St. Patrick’s Parade dance and sashing will take place on Saturday, Feb. 10 at 8 p.m. in St. Patrick’s Parish Hall, Fourth Avenue and 97th Street. Tickets are $50. For reservations, contact Mary at 917-699-9290 or Michelle at 347-461-6380 or 917-459-0535.

Gerard Keogh Photo courtesy of Brooklyn St. Patrick’s Parade Committee

The third Irish celebration is Bay Ridge’s 29th annual parade along Third Avenue at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 24. Daniel L. Flynn, executive vice president and scientific officer of Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, is the grand marshal.

Daniel Flynn Photo courtesy of Bay Ridge St. Patrick’s Parade Committee

The parade committee will hold its annual dinner-dance on at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10 at the El Caribe Country Club, 5945 Strickland Ave., Brooklyn. Tickets are $175. For reservations, contact Richie at 917-459-0535.

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