On the Avenue: Despite heavy rainfall, Summer Stroll on 3rd 2024 finale still ‘rocks’

After a largely unsuccessful effort to disrupt last week’s Summer Stroll on 3rd event — which saw large crowds gather “on the avenue” once the early evening rain had subsided — Mother Nature would not be denied again at the final stroll event of the summer, bringing several small storms at various intervals that undoubtedly caused many families to forego their plans to enjoy an evening out in Bay Ridge on Aug. 9.

Nonetheless, for those brave souls who made their way down to Third Avenue to make the best of a soggy situation, one thing was clear: The event totally rocked!

Not only was there still music being played on nearly every block, but a large group of students and supporters turned out for the official grand opening of School of Rock Bay Ridge, 6901 Third Ave., which featured a ribbon-cutting and guitar-smashing ceremony.

After the ribbon-cutting, it was time for the guitar-smashing ceremony at School of Rock Bay Ridge!

Owners Andrew Totolos and Dana Macrigiane were proud to welcome families and supporters for a tour of the state-of-the-art facility, followed by a special concert/jam session led by students enrolled at the school.

Councilmember Justin Brannan and Merchants of Third Avenue Civic Improvement Association, Inc. board member Mary Ann Kearns were there to help cut the ribbon and officially welcome School of Rock to Bay Ridge.

Then, in true rock star style, one of the students smashed a guitar onto the pavement to officially christen the space.

For more on the grand opening, see the article on brooklyneagle.com.

Elsewhere “on the avenue,” talented performers from Regina Opera Company moved their show inside Brooklyn Harvest Market, 8102 Third Ave., where they sang for fans, shoppers and strollers seeking shelter from the rain.

Regina Opera Company bass Gennadiy Vysotskiy sang “Mack the Knife” for fans inside Brooklyn Harvest Market.

Under a popup canopy, HeartShare School teacher Rachel Kramer stayed dry as she showcased incredible handmade jewelry created by her very talented special needs students. To find out more about the wonderful program that allows students with autism spectrum disorders to “experience a curriculum and therapies for a brighter, more independent future,” email [email protected].

HeartShare School teacher Rachel Kramer (left) showcased some of the incredible handmade jewelry created by special needs students.

Outside Greenhouse Café, 7717 Third Ave., members of the Max Christopher Trio carried on like rock stars in their own right, entertaining patrons and passersby during and in between the storms.

The show must go on, indeed.

Members of the Max Christopher Trio performed during and in between rainstorms at the final 2024 Summer Stroll on 3rd event outside Greenhouse Café.

For all the highlights from the 2024 Summer Stroll on 3rd program, be sure to follow its official social media channels: @SummerStrollon3rd on Facebook and Instagram, and @SummerStroll3rd on X.

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If you’re doing something noteworthy “on the avenue,” reach out to me directly at [email protected]!

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