This week, we feature the contributions of local attorney Joe Elhilow, a Bay Ridge resident who is a long-time supporter of many community events.
Joe is a popular attorney who always can be depended on to donate his time and resources. He assists the Bay Ridge Lawyers Association by offering his services for those in need of legal assistance free of charge.
He is a board member of the St. Nicholas Home and the Salaam Club, where he participates in many of their charitable fundraisers. Joe works with the Merchants of Third Avenue, to recruit new members and inform businesses of the association’s activities. He is the proud husband of Mary-Ann and dad of daughters Gabrielle and Alexis.
You do not have to be Irish to attend and enjoy the Irish concert on August 26, sponsored by the Bay Ridge St. Patrick’s Parade Committee with Frankie Marra at the helm. Bring your blanket and have a great time during the last of the summer concert series at 79th Street and Shore Road, at 7 p.m. There is nothing like these free great shows presented by State Senator Marty Golden.
The first Annual Dinner/Dance of Redeemer St. John Lutheran Church will be held on Saturday, September 20, at the Bay Ridge Manor. Cocktails are from 7 p.m. Honorees are Zoe Koutsoupakis, senior VP, Signature Bank, and Donna Mae DePola, president of The Resource Training & Counseling Center. Tickets are $100 each, and can be reserved by contacting Pastor Khader Khalilia at 718-833-7700.
Asparagus is one of the few vegetables that is as effective fresh or canned. Its high potassium content helps to reduce belly fat, and the UCLA Medical Center has labeled it the primary detox vegetable.
Because of its high folate content, it is also used in alternative medical therapies as a cancer fighter. It is a potent fighter of osteoarthritis because of its Vitamin K content. In addition, this vegetable has been shown as effective in reducing urinary tract infections and kidney stones, and in helping the brain fight cognitive decline. For the best impact, cut and eat raw in salads.
Please consult your doctor if you have any health concerns, or on any medication.